RADIX is a platform where citizens, artists and scholars can re-examine the practice of theatre as radical.
In this 2025 special edition of RADIX focus will be placed on performances that find intimate ties with the concept of prophecy. Examining the Greek word prophētēs we find that its literal meaning is before-speaking. Today, as Europe stands imbedded in war(s) we wonder how sincere intelligent people can disagree? Should not both disputants suspend judgment? Tracing art throughout history it is clear to see that artists in all disciplines have prompted the sirens of warning through their artworks. Art in this sense becomes resistance in its truest sense.
These considerations and more will be at the forefront during a 10-day event with performances, talks and workshops with invited artists and thinkers from Europe, UK and the Middle East.
Pieces that will be presented during the event 20-30 March 2025:
SAR by Mihran Tomasyan & Saro Usta
Ben Gvir Reads Wiesel To Mourners or A Play About Empathy During A Time Of War by Guy Gunaratne
Untitled by Lars Henning
Murmurs on Mami Wata by Arlette-Louise Ndakoze
Freedom, at Last & ASH by ibodies
ATTORNO A TROIA_TROIANE by Teatro del Lemming
Funambulist by Liza Penkova
RADIX is directed by Josephine Gray
Studium RADIX
The studium RADIX ran throughout 2022 with invited performers from across Europe where the totality of the performer was questioned and investigated. It was comprised of a theoretical and a practical approach to the stage creating a meeting-point where artists from various disciplines can meet with the aim of spreading the influence of theatre as radical – i.e., its root in the multitude of expressions on stage
ibodies are continuously searching for a radical theatre made up of the entirety of scenic expression. Radical must in this context be seen as an origin, or root–from the Latin radix. Theatre must in this context be understood as the arena in which performance takes place. It is not a question of looking to how theatre in its literary sense affects performance, rather the opposite. It is our intention to examine what kinds of performance are possible within the arena of the theatre by acknowledging that its history is often forgotten which leaves each new generation of performers in a vacuum. We need to discover what echoes remain from Ancient Greece up until today within the theatrical arena. In doing so we find that movement and rhythm are the roots of performance. The acknowledgement of these roots have been neglected in recent training (and appreciation) of dance, mime, theatre and circus. As a consequence, the segregation of one discipline from the other has led to an impoverished performer who has been forced to stagnate in her possibilities of transformation. The studium redresses this tendency by offering a profound exploration into the totality of the performer. This kind of performer will be unfazed by whatever is thrown at her and will in such a way be able to raise the performing arts into a force to be reckoned with.
Teatro del Lemming
Claudia Castellucci/SOCIETAS
Lars Henning
Josette Bushell-Mingo OBE
Dr. Kiki Selioni
Dr. María J. Ortega Máñez
Free admission
RADIX is supported by The Swedish Arts Council, The City of Gothenburg Arts and Cultural Affairs Committee, Region Västra Götaland Cultural Affairs Committee and The International Dance Program at the Swedish Arts Grants Committee